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A Hysterectomy is a hard procedure for many women, not just because of the surgery itself, but also because of the implications. Women’s Health and Hysterectomy research strives to discover exactly all the links between women’s health and hysterectomies be it mental physical or emotional. A hysterectomy can take place because of many different scenarios, which will be discussed later in the article. The important thing to take away from this article is the fact that new discoveries are being found about women’s health and hysterectomies every day, and the more research is done, the better the prognosis for the women that have to undergo this procedure.

Women's Health And Hysterectomies: a Hard Relationship
A radical surgery that is sometimes performed on women who have uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cancer of the reproductive organs, pelvic adhesions, or heavy bleeding is a hysterectomy. Hyster is the Greek word for womb and ectomy means removal; therefore a hysterectomy is the removal of the womb.

Women’s health and hysterectomies are intrinsically linked together. Not only are there the physical ramifications involved with the need for hysterectomy, but when the hysterectomy is performed there are certain issues that need to be addressed in maintaining a woman’s physical health. One of those issues would be the replacement of female hormones.

In addition, women’s health and hysterectomies would also need to address the emotional and mental responses to the loss of the woman’s reproductive system.
In learning about the relationship between women’s health and hysterectomies it is important to know what is a hysterectomy, the variations of hysterectomies and the possible associated health affects following the procedure.

Defining Women's Health and Hysterectomies
In understanding the connection between women’s health and hysterectomies it is important to understand what a hysterectomy is. A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the womb or uterus of a woman. The uterus is the female organ that nourishes and protects the fetus.

In addition, depending upon the extent of the medical condition of the female, other organs of the female reproductive system may need to be removed. These other organs may include the woman’s cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

It is important to note that once a hysterectomy has been performed, the ability of the woman to naturally conceive a child is impossible. Women’s health and hysterectomies are, unfortunately, connected in that this is one of the most common medical operations performed. In some countries is estimated that one out of three women, who are 60 years of age or older, will have had the surgical procedure.

Variations of Women's Health and Hysterectomies
There are many variations of hysterectomies that can be performed. The recommendation of the surgeon as to which course of action to take, when considering women’s health and hysterectomies, is dependent upon the individual woman’s condition.

The various types of hysterectomies include a total hysterectomy, which is the complete removal of the uterus and cervix. A sub total hysterectomy is the removal of the upper part of the uterus. A radical hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus, cervix, upper portion of the vagina and pelvic lymph nodes.

Effects of Women's Health and Hysterectomies
An important consideration regarding women’s health and hysterectomies is the care needed and required following the surgical procedure. Depending upon which procedure has been performed; recovery time may be as little as two to four day stay in the hospital followed by a two to three week recovery period with limited activity. Full recovery should be realized around the two-month timeframe following surgery.

Also, when considering women’s health and hysterectomies, it is important to note that there may be difficulties experienced following this surgery. Those complications may include urinary difficulties, general malaise accompanied with vomiting, infection and bleeding. Thus, it is important for women to take care of themselves during such a time.

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