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All throughout the world right now there is a need for better Women’s Health Services. The need depends mainly on the country. While the United States is facing an epidemic of Sexually Transmitted infections, especially in college age women, India is fighting an assortment of different diseases. The Women’s Services provided, however, sadly depends on the wealth of the country in question. Ignorance about a certain illness can also cause an epidemic. Women’s Health Services need to be geared toward not only treating, but also educating women. Prevention is the first part of stopping a disease from spreading, and education is the only effective method of prevention.

A Current Need for Women's Health Services
Women are naturally the caregivers. This happens to a woman by instinct, and this role usually allows them to slip into personal neglect. It so happens that women are the stronger of the two sexes when it comes to health and capacity of bearing pain both mentally and physically. It is a matter of debate whether this is the reason why they ignore their own health in the process or not.

Whether or Not Existing Women's Health Services are Adequate
The question might be wrong, if you look at the general trends of real life. It should have read, “Are women responding or enjoying the facilities provided by the women’s health services?” Let us analyze this topic a little. There are certain health concerns and facts that every girl and boy should know right from the time of puberty. Actually the best time for the child to find out about the ‘birds and the bees’ is just around this time.

If the foundation were strong, there would be a habit formation that in turn will bring the woman for regular check-ups and enjoy the women’s health services offered in the area they live in. By default a woman tends to look beyond herself to take care of others. It is not uncommon to have women that have sold their entire house and every valuable thing they have to treat a member of their family.

However, when it comes to their own health, they tend to ignore it, even if they have access to the best of best women’s health services. Women need to give themselves more importance. The funny part is, that she has the knowledge and experience to take care of everyone, but she never applies it to herself.

It is imperative that women learn to pay attention to their own needs, too. Neglecting one’s health does not profit anybody, in anyway. Actually one should visit the women’s health services to make them laugh. All you have to do is to have one check-up once in two years, at least. This is sufficient to diagnose any life threatening diseases in time for curing; otherwise you will have to face the dire consequences.

The lives of many women have been lost for mere negligence. Hence, it is advisable to have a full-check up every two-three years once you are in the 30-40s. Some diseases are totally silent, and unless they are caught and cured in the earliest stages, these are the ones who can prove fatal.

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